Open Letter to San Diego Parks and Recreation Department

Adding Power Up With Youth proposal to the agenda item for next meeting of the Park and Recreation Department Area Committee.

Our youth-led organization, Power Up With Youth, would like to be on the agenda for your next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting

  We want to present a request for   the park and recreations Encanto walking trail - located at 5505 Stevens way next to the 82114 Earl Gilliam post office - to be restored and revitalized  maintained abd promoted as a safe, vibrant, and well-maintained space that enhances the community.

Despite the City of San Diego’s improvement plans for this trail dating back over 20 years, the area remains neglected, unsafe, and underutilized due to a lack of maintenance and publicity.

We have been proactive in addressing this issue, sharing our concerns with the community and at park and recreation community events since last year. In every occasion your  staff seemed receptive to our ideas. In each instance The Park and Recreation representatives asked for and we gave our contact information. Apparently these were not the appropriate representative to respond to our suggestions because we have never received a response.  . To date our efforts have gone unanswered.

We have  also reached out to representatives at the MLK Center, who were unaware of the walking trail or the correct process to present our concerns.

We have contacted the PLN historical  resources department other city agencies and our council member Henry foster who forwarded our concerns to you, yet  we have not received acknowledgment, follow-up  or specific guidance from you as how to collaborate with you.  We hope being on the agenda for your next meeting is the proper first step.

Through our Transform the Trail project, our youth have gathered feedback from residents and developed several solutions they would like to see to improve the trail. We would love to discuss the following with you.
   •   Cleaning and Safety Improvements: Removing debris, addressing safety hazards, and ensuring the trail is no longer dangerous to use.
   •   Beautification Efforts: Adding sustainable greenery, murals, seating,  signage, safety and other features to make a category one nature walking and bicycling trail that is attractive and welcoming.
   •   Regular Maintenance: Partnering with city agencies for ongoing upkeep and cleanliness.
   •   Connectivity: Linking the trail with other city projects to create a comprehensive network of safe walking paths.
   •   Community Engagement: Hosting youth-led events to encourage local involvement and stewardship.

We respectfully request to be in the agenda to:
   •   Present Our Proposal: Share our survey responses, our vision and our detailed plans for transforming the Encanto walking trail into a safe, vibrant, and accessible community space.
   •   Request your Collaboration  on a restoration and revitalization Plan:
Develop a joint strategy to address the current conditions of the trail.
   •   Publicize Progress: As our suggestions are implemented, we want to participate in a plan to assist in publicizing and updating the community on the progress.

This transparency will foster a sense of ownership and pride among residents.

We are ready to collaborate with you and the City of San Diego to move this 20-year-old project forward and create a safe, beautiful, and accessible space known and used by everyone.

You can reach us at

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the opportunity to present our proposal at the March meeting and  collaborate with you and the City of San Diego to revitalize the Encanto walking trail and create a space that benefits everyone.
Sandra Dryden
Founder and coordinator
Power Up With Youth


Trail Transformation Has Begun! Councilmember Henry Foster is helping us “Make a Difference”


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