1. Group Information
Group Name:
Contact Person:
Email Address:
2. Total Number of Participants: [Enter Number] ______________
3. Participant Age Distribution
• Children Ages 4-10: [Enter Number] ______________
• Youth Ages 10-17: [Enter Number] ______________
• Adults Ages 18 and above: [Enter Number] ______________
4. What would you like to see and do on the trail? (Choose all that apply): For each activity, please indicate the number of participants interested:
• Walk: [Enter Number] ______________
• Bike: [Enter Number]______________
• Run: [Enter Number]______________
• Be in nature: [Enter Number]______________
• Sit: [Enter Number]______________
• learn about people plants and Encanto: [Enter Number]______________
• Exercise: [Enter Number]______________
• Playground: [Enter Number]
• Other (please specify): Please add more rows if necessary.
[Enter each suggestion and the Number]
5. What are three most important things to add to the trail : (Choose your Top 3)
•Safety features (lighting, cameras, benches, etc.)
• clean area ______________
• smooth path ______________
• water fountain ______________
• gardens ______________
• butterfly farm ______________
• something else (please specify)
• ________________________
• ________________________
5. Additional Suggestions
[Enter any additional suggestions for the trail.]
6. Would you like to be notified about our trail and creek clean-up event on April 26?
Yes enter your email address __________________
Thank You for completing the survey