Our Strategy

Power Up: The difference you make makes all the difference

- disrupt business as usual - powering up the 20 year old
- move faster change: doing in 4 years what has been
in the planning stage for 20 years
- make a difference with exciting new ideas to showcase Encanto
culture, our history, and people

1. See something: Gather evidence.
Visit the trail, document the issues

2. Learn something: Identify decision-makers.
Research which city, county, or federal department is responsible. There
20 departments and committees that could be involved

3. Say something: Raise awareness.
Create presentations, start petitions, and speak at local meetings.

4. Do Something:
- Engage government officials.
Contact city council members, attend
meetings and explore
funding options.

- Advocate for action.
Propose solutions, submit formal repair requests, and track
progress until results happen.

5. Sustain the Power Keep it up. Monitor the results.