Power Up With YOUth Survey
500 Voices in 15 Days  

Exciting news! Trail cleanup has started.

Thanks to you, we were able to power up to our elected officials. Council Member Foster’s cleanup of our community trail is already in motion. Click here to see videos of us walking the trail. They highlight the progress we are already making.

Next step: Design the trail.
We need to make sure this trail is designed to serve everyone.
Complete the survey now and email your responses to powerupwithyouth@gmail.com.

1.  What do you  want to see and do on the trail (bicycle, walk, run, sit, be in nature, learn about people plants and Encanto,  exercise, playground  or something else  ) 
Answer: ________________________________________

2.  What are three most important things to add to the trail :  Safety features (lights camera benches), clean area, smooth path ,  water fountain, gardens, butterfly farm or something else )
1._______________ 2. ________________ 3. ______________

3.  Can you come to the community Trail cleanup Saturday April 26? No/ Yes enter your email address_____________

We’re halfway to our Goal: 500 Voices in 15 days - by March 15 You can help.

• Share they survey with at least 3 people.
• Collect multiple responses and use the multiple response form to combine their answers.
The form is available for
download or submission by email.

1. Group Information
Group Name: [Enter Group Name]
Contact Person: [Enter Name]
Email Address: [Enter Email]

2. Total Number of Participants: [Enter Number]
3. Participant Age Distribution

• Children Ages 4-10: [Enter Number]
• YOUth Ages 10-17: [Enter Number]
• Adults Ages 18 and above: [Enter Number]

4. What would you like to see and do on the trail? (Choose all that apply): For each activity, please indicate the number of participants interested:

• Walk: [Enter Number]
• Bike: [Enter Number]
• Run: [Enter Number]
• Be in nature: [Enter Number]
• Sit: [Enter Number]
• learn about people plants and Encanto: [Enter Number]
• Exercise: [Enter Number]
• playground: [Enter Number]
• Other (please specify): [Enter each suggestion and the Number]

Please add more rows if necessary.

5. What are three most important things to add to the trail :  (Choose your Top 3)
•Safety features (lighting, cameras, benches, etc.)
• clean area
• smooth path
• water fountain
• gardens
• butterfly farm
• something else (please specify)
• [Enter Improvement]
• [Enter Improvement]
• [Enter Improvement]

5. Additional Suggestions

[Enter any additional suggestions for the trail.]

6. Would you like to be notified about our trail and creek clean-up event on April 26?
Yes enter your email address __________________

What’s next:
Timeline of Upcoming Events

March 15: All survey responses are due.
April 1: Power Up With Youth will send funding requests
to elected officials and their agencies.
April 26: Community Trail Cleanup led by Councilmember
Henry L. Foster III.
May: Councilmember Foster submits funding request to
Mayor Gloria, incorporating survey responses
May 24: Community Celebration at the trail