Our vote decides the politicians who shape policy on issues we value and care about for our future. Black voters in San Diego don’t have much influence because they consistently have a low 25% voter turnout rate. Voting your values helps ensure that your voice is heard because politicians listen to the values of the people who voted for them.
A black lady told me she doesn’t vote because her vote doesn’t matter. Well her vote sure matters to these ladies, and they thank her for it.
Older voters like these ladies consistently have the highest voter turnout rates.
Like most older voters, these ladies use their vote for what matters for their future. They value issues such as Social Security, Medicare, health and healthcare, and policies related to retirement security. If you don’t vote, they use your vote for their future not for yours.
One thing these ladies don’t seem to care about is education. Trump announced he'll close Department of Education if reelected. The U.S. Department of Education manages federal student loans including loan forgiveness.
That’s why the taxes you pay may be used for these ladies to get social security and Medicare for their future, but your kids may not get the quality education and healthy communities they need for their future.
Know your values! Vote your values and drive change!
1. Know your values - Identify what matters to you now and for the future
2. Understand your ballot - Use your California Secretary of state Voter Information Guide
3. Research reliable Sources
- Cal Matters: California-voter-guide-2024/propositions/
- League of Women Voters: ballot-recommendations/
- Public Radio and TV: kpbs.org California Popositions Novemeber-2024
- Democratic Party : CADEM-2024-Propositions
- Republican Party : cagop-endorsements-2024/
3. Evaluate the Issues
What the proposition does, how it got on the ballot, who are the supporters and opponents and what are their values
4. Vote to tell your legislature what you value and care about!
Proposition 2
Funding $15.5 billion in bonds for education facilities
Proposed by
California Assembly Democrats
School Boards and Teachers Associations who say they value ensuring future generations all get same safe and quality education
Republican Party, taxpayer advocates who say they value
Fiscal responsibility, Economic Growth, and Limited
Government intervention
Vote your values
• If you vote YES you value investing in education to improve student outcomes and address inequities in school infrastructure. You are willing for state to pay bond cost of about $500 million each year over 35 years .
• If you vote NO you value controlling state spending and minimizing debt.
Proposition 3
Matching wording in the callifornia constitution with federal courts rulings and preserving same sex marriage
Proposed by
California Assembly Democrats
Human Rights groups who say they value equality, justice, and personal freedom
Some conservative religious groups who say they value tradition of marriage as between two adults, non-related mother and father.
Vote your values
• If you vote YES you value equality fairness and inclusivity. You want words in state laws to reflect federal court rulings without changing the California same sex marriage rights.
• If you vote NO you value tradition and want to keep the definitions of marriage that are now in the state constitution.
Proposition 4
Funding $10 Billion in bonds for environment energy and water
Proposed by
California Assembly Democrats
Environmental and Water Advocates who say they
value Sustainability - Public Health - Community Safety
Fiscal conservatives who say they value Fiscal responsibility, Economic Growth, and Limited Government intervention
Vote Your values
• If you vote YES you value environmental protection, public health, and securing resources for future generations. You are willing for state to pay bond cost of about $400 million each year over 40 years
• If you vote NO you value controlling government debt and finding alternative funding methods.
Proposition 5
Lowering the majority needed to issue Local Bonds for infrastructure projects to 55%
Proposed by
California Assembly Democrats
Housing and local government Advocates who say they value Economic Growth - Local Control - Affordable hosing access- community development
Apartment Associations and Property rights groups who say they value Fiscal Conservativeness and supermajority consensus
Vote Your Values
If you vote YES you value community development and believe local governments should have more flexibility to fund infrastructure projects. You are willing to accept possible property tax increase to repay the bonds.
• If you vote NO you value protecting taxpayers by keeping the high 66.7% thresholds for local borrowing
Proposition 6
Removing Involuntary Servitude and adding rewards for voluntary job participation
Proposed by
California Assembly Democrats
ACLU - Anti-Recidivism Coalition- Democratic Party- Black Legislative Caucus - League of Women Voters who say they value Human Rights, Social and Criminal Justice reform,and community rehabilitation
Opponents and their values
No argument submitted. Republic Party opposed it.
Vote Your Vaues
If you vote YES you value human rights, fair labor practices criminal justice reform to involve community in rehabilitation and incentivizing voluntary work in the prison system. You are willing to accept the uncertain effect on the state general fund - probably less than .5%.
• If you vote NO you value maintaining the current punishment system that includes making people in prison work for “free” and disciplining prisoners who refuse to work
Proposition 32
Raising the minimum wage to $18/hr.
Proposed by
Citizen initiative led by California Labor Federation
Democratic Party League of Women Voters who say
they value Workers Rights - economic Justice and
Republican party, business commerce restaurant grocer and taxpayers associations
who say they value Business and economic growth and increased employment
Vote Your Values
If you vote YES, you value human rights, fair labor practices criminal justice reform to involve community in rehabilitation and incentivizing voluntary work in the prison system. You are willing to accept the uncertain effect on the state general fund - probably less than .5%.
If you vote NO you value maintaining the current punishment system that includes making people in prison work for “free” and disciplining prisoners who refuse to work
Proposition 33
Local rent control on single-family homes, new apartments and new tenants
Proposed by
Citizen initiative led by Tenants Together
Democratic Party, Associations for AIDS Veterans’ Nurses Retired Americans and tenant advocates who say they value Social Justice, Affordable Housing, and Local Government Power
Republican party, business housing and taxpayer Associations, and developers who say they value
Property Rights, Free Market Pricing, maximum landlord participation, and increased housing inventory
Vote Your Values
• If you vote YES you value affordable housing and believe in local control over rent regulation. You are willing to accept the possible financial effects if property values go down, leading to lower property taxes and less government income.
• If you vote NO you value property rights and economic incentives for landlords.
Proposition 34
Require "certain" Medi-Cal Rx Program Participants to Spend 98% of Revenues on Patient Care and negotiate drug prices together
Proposed by
Citizen initiative led by Health Access and California Democrat Party
League of Women Voters California Nurses Association who say they value healthcare access, equity, patient rights, and accountability
Pharmaceutical companies and healthcare associations who say they value Business Interests Economic Efficiency innovation free market lead to less research and development
Vote Your Values
• If you vote YES you value healthcare accountability and prioritizing patient cares and negotiating medi-cal drug prices state-wide. You agree that if the particular provider subject to the law abuses it, the provider should have to pay fees to cover enforcement costs.
• If you vote NO you value less government regulation, reporting requirements, and restrictions. In this case, these factors could reduce ability for the particular provider effected to perform its non-profit advocacy mission.
Proposition 35
Managed Care Organization Tax Authorization Initiative
Proposed by
Citizen initiative led by the California Medical Association
Republican party Democratic party Medical and Nurses Association who say they value Healthcare access - funding security - social welfare
League of women voters Gov Newsome who say they value correct use of initiative process “ don’t earmark funds through ballot initiatives”
Vote Your Values
• If you vote YES you value ensuring access to healthcare services using a permanent stable healthcare fund paid for by providers.
• If you vote NO you value limiting tax burdens on providers. There are currently no organizations opposing this proposition.
Proposition 36
Mandated treatment and felony penalties for Drug and Theft Crime
Proposed by
Citizen initiative led by the California District Attorneys Association.
California District Attorneys Association, Crime victims United who say they value Public Safety - Law and Order - justice for victims of crime - accountability
Drug Policy Alliance, California Public Defenders Association who say they value In-prison rehabilitation and fairness in sentencing
Vote Your Values
• If you vote YES you value public safety, accountability, and stronger penalties for crime. The fiscal amount is uncertain but it would probably increase criminal justice costs by low millions each year.
• If you vote NO you value rehabilitation, mental health support, and alternative approaches to criminal justice.
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Contact: powerupwithyouth@gmail.com